Contesto internazionale
In 2015 AIEMS was accepted in the prestigious scientific context of EUS (European Union for Systemics) in the role of Associate Member.
In 2015 AIEMS was accepted in the prestigious scientific context of EUS (European Union for Systemics) in the role of Associate Member.
WOSC Congress (World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics)
WOSC Congress (World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics)
Rome - 25-27 January 2017 - University La Sapienza
Rome - 25-27 January 2017 - University La Sapienza
AIEMS partecipated to the Congress representing EUS (European Union for Systemics) by organizing a particular session.
AIEMS partecipated to the Congress representing EUS (European Union for Systemics) by organizing a particular session.